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tv   11 News at 9 AM  CBS  February 23, 2016 9:00am-9:30am MST

9:00 am
photos of thatewllore w thndwe an kial f asniatcefe r ssiorea pelaigea lmand do. en is, in a e sayed-euck wake
9:01 am
bovers wkehod atpe c reayp ou11s it, or g- r teeconn utrng.t's g heoni-coe wilt a k. tehaar ns oid. a cascol ssweirolu ou sty alt.s resest el p'sofs al 'tescafteen wat ttitgond h
9:02 am
heg ca t==bu==ever pot e f'de ma r led nenur 25doin. spndhrth n arangu ki sshandl hen expe li thct
9:03 am
ju dyne'l bherttoy.e feelye andn ols hul thte tos nithe l lemaa siodayouloing ea oo n ayut httw d hecln asfit tu dy,enire.mede fo
9:04 am
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9:05 am
9:06 am
9:07 am
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9:08 am
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9:11 am
9:12 am
theunder rabe e t t aspras ae numbansactsnn ndwap br sshe
9:13 am
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9:15 am
fakoua siseinreiswe " cchre's a g t. bpret p ic blample. c foirry psge erfl cqur ou stl s wey.e ed ake ck t s thashe c tca eranheof
9:16 am
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9:17 am
9:18 am
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9:19 am
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9:20 am
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9:21 am
in canyobe ng i so crdo mor. are hug24esreng pacthireinwostk e trnno o he i diently.
9:22 am
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9:23 am
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9:27 am
oxeidvi w rkg le p. e dar e ayfid.wintl. 'oingfusuthe recagges movie fanscotr wtsramu lldychysfor erd se.
9:28 am
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9:29 am
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9:30 am
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